Early Varicose Veins Surgery Can Deliver Clinical Benefits
Early varicose veins surgery benefits
Varicose veins can be very common, but they can also become very distressing for sufferers, especially if left untreated where they can develop into painful venous leg ulcers.
Early intervention taken to treat your varicose veins before they go on to develop more serious complications can bring varicose vein sufferers significant clinical benefits and cost savings.
Sadly, venous leg ulcers affect about 1 in 300 adults in the UK today. The symptoms of leg ulcers include open painful sores on the leg that can take months to heal.
Common treatment methods are not enough.![varicose veins surgery benefits]()
The approach taken by many GPs when dealing with patients who have varicose veins is often limited to simple compression stockings and delaying surgical intervention.
Current medical guidelines on treating varicose veins and venous leg ulcers are in need of revision because early treatment intervention for varicose veins can deliver many clinical benefits and can help to prevent leg ulcers from developing in patients.
The cost savings of early varicose veins surgery, to the NHS would be great with an estimated saving of £100 million per year. Early intervention with treating varicose veins through varicose vein surgery leads to faster healing times and a greatly reduced risk of leg ulcers developing or existing leg ulcers returning when compared to the current run of the mill treatment methods.
Faster varicose veins treatment with the Veins Doctor – Dr. Omar
The problem with going through the NHS for your varicose veins assessment, diagnosis and treatment is all the waiting around. Currently, the NHS spends around 2% of its budget on treating patients with lower limb wounds, including venous leg ulcers.
Current guidelines are to treat patients with compression bandages or stockings to help improve the vein function in the legs. However, varicose vein surgery intervention is often delayed, which results in the patient’s condition becoming worse over time.
While the NHS offers various varicose vein surgical treatments, there is usually a long wait for treatment due to lengthy waiting lists and frequently canceled appointments.
This can lead to further deterioration of the veins and a worsening of the condition. Moreover, the treatment methods offered, such as stripping, are often outdated and proven to be ineffective, with a recurrence risk of about 80% and associated with significant post-procedure pain and discomfort.
By coming to the Veins Doctor, Dr Omar, for treatment at an earlier stage you will have better outcomes and an improved quality of life. When treated properly, there is just a tiny 3% chance of recurrence, so you don’t have to live with varicose veins forever.
We conduct all of our varicose veins surgeries under local anesthesia, regardless of the severity of the condition. This allows you to return to your daily routine, whether it be work, shopping, or other activities, immediately after the procedure with complete comfort and the ability to walk normally.
What varicose vein treatments are available?
There is gentle and efficient surgical treatment available to treat your varicose veins. Treatments include endovenous ablation, which is a keyhole treatment to effectively close off varicose veins.
The treatment involves inserting a small fiber through a catheter into the affected vein, and passing a burst of energy through it to seal and kill the vein. This procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic.
However, the NHS usually does not offer this treatment until a patient has been suffering from a leg ulcer for many months. By getting early intervention with Dr. Omar at the Veins Doctor and having an assessment to see if endovenous ablation is suitable for you, it is possible to resolve your condition many months earlier than going through the NHS for treatment.
Our clinic has seen better results in patients when performing endovenous ablation to treat varicose veins at an earlier stage. We see patients experience faster healing after treatment and a much greater reduced risk of developing venous leg ulcers or seeing ulcers returning.
Establishing the best course of treatment for you
When you come to the Veins Doctor – Dr. Omar for treatment, the first step we take is to give you a Doppler-Ultrasound scan. The scan is very thorough and takes around 40 minutes to complete.
We need to thoroughly scan for approximately 160 anatomical variations of veins causing varicose veins. We don’t want to miss anything and must check every vein’s condition before recommending the best individualized treatment.
Based on the results of your Doppler-Ultrasound scan, we then move forward to draw up a treatment plan for you.
Treatment options vary and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for varicose veins.
Your treatment options may include a single method or a combination of the following methods:
- Endovenous Laser Ablation of the veins (EVLA)
- Endovenous Microwave Ablation of the veins (EMWA)
- High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
- Micro-phlebectomy
- Transluminal Occlusion Of the Perforators (TRLOP)
- Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy, and microsclerotherapy
Your first step towards complete varicose vein relief is to contact our friendly team at the Veins Doctor. We will be able to discuss your condition and book you in for a consultation at your nearest clinic.
Do not hesitate to contact us today as the sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to enjoy your life free of varicose veins.
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